I had to laugh out lout when I received this e-mail from one of my many accounts. So now the scam is to hopefully hit someone who has been scammed, get them to call up with questions about claim, then scam then again. Nice. * * * * * * * * * * Subject: The fraudsters that scammed you…
Author: AstroNerdBoy
A Doctor’s Visit
My recent medical adventure had several friends get in touch with me on their own experiences with the old stomach or nearby regions. It is a sign of getting older I suppose — things don’t quite work as well as they did in one’s 20’s. ^_^; For me, the loss of 15-pounds is good, but losing that much in a…
Fun Times w/ Gastritis
Last night, I ended up going to the ER as a precaution. My stomach has been acting up for months and sometimes it causes chest discomfort and pain that goes down the left arm, almost as if one were having a heart attack. However, last night, the pains were shooting up the left side of my neck and into my…
Merry Christmas!
I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
It Has Been Four Weeks
It is hard to believe that four weeks ago tonight, it will be exactly four weeks since I received official word that I no longer had a job. The first couple of weeks went by slowly, but for some reason, the last week has flown by. Weird. Last night, I got to hook up with a bunch of former comrades…