Heh. I haven’t seen one of these in ages. I know “she” must love me truly because “she” sent me several of these (from different mail addresses and names of course). ^_^ Ah, be still my beating heart. ^_~ Subject: I shall wait from you the letter with the big impatience! From: “Myles Jacobs” @singmail.com> Date: Sun, March 1, 2009…
Author: AstroNerdBoy
Another Job Scam
Another great job scam spam e-mail has come to my attention. Apparently, everyone gets “accepted” and then for a low, low price of $5000 (or more), they’ll “market” you so that you can get that job you want. However, you have to act NOW lest the price go up to $6500 or more (sounds kinda like our president, trying to…
President Obama and Democrats to Old People — DIE!
Bloomberg has this interesting piece about yet another element of the so-called stimulus bill wherein Big Brother creates a Health Czar to allegedly control the costs of health care. In fact, this system is worse than the crappiest health insurance company out there as ALL doctors must submit to Big Brother. Big Brother will then determine is a course of…
Change I Can Believe In
Congrats to Michael Steele on becoming the RNC chairman. I hoped he’d win because I’ve liked a lot of what he’s said. Now, go kick some bottom in the war you are going to face against the press. Also, get out there and be what you are, not “Democrat Light.” Ugh. I hated that about President Bush and many Republicans…
A New Job Hunting Phenomenon
Today, I learned something that is rather depressing — the job I was a sure hire for has been pulled from the market. That makes five jobs by my count where this has happened — a job placed on the market, interviews are conducted, things feel great, then all of the sudden, “the company has decided not to fill this…