A Doctor’s Visit

My recent medical adventure had several friends get in touch with me on their own experiences with the old stomach or nearby regions. It is a sign of getting older I suppose — things don’t quite work as well as they did in one’s 20’s. ^_^;

For me, the loss of 15-pounds is good, but losing that much in a week is not what one would want to see. So, after a complete physical and the doctor looking over the ER charts (ah, the joys of modern computer technology when medical records can be sent digitally to those who need them), it is the generic version of Prilosec OTC® (got to save some money someway) for now and a follow-up visit with the doctor in two months. The blood lab work will be sent to me and should there be something negative there, the doctor and I will hook up sooner.

So that’s out of the way for the moment with the doctor giving the usual good advice before I left.

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