
Why Soaking the Rich Won’t Help Pay Government’s Largess

Being a libertarian, the insane amount of money our government is spending, making what George Bush did look like chump change, just pisses me off something fierce.  I’ve heard that ultra-rich Michael Moore trying to say the country isn’t broke because apparently folks like himself have been stealing it from the poor in make themselves rich.  I’ve long believed that…

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I’m Angry! (So clearly this is Bush’s, Palin’s, and the Tea Party’s fault!)

I just heard about that nutcase Jared Loughner’s killing spree in Arizona through Twitter.  My first thought before knowing ANY other facts was, “I bet this is some left-wing or Muslim nut job but the press and the left will initially attempt to blame the right-wing as hard as they can until the facts come out, at which point the…

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President Obama and Democrats to Old People — DIE!

Bloomberg has this interesting piece about yet another element of the so-called stimulus bill wherein Big Brother creates a Health Czar to allegedly control the costs of health care. In fact, this system is worse than the crappiest health insurance company out there as ALL doctors must submit to Big Brother. Big Brother will then determine is a course of…

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