After the great week last week, this time there’s no progress to report as I weighed 345.2 again. Disappointing to be sure. In the IT business, we have what is called a Root Cause Analysis process to determine what went wrong and what can be done to prevent the failure to happen again. In the case of my weight, I…
Author: AstroNerdBoy
5:2 Diet, Take 2 – Week 2
Since everything got so jacked up, I decided I’d renumber how I’m tracking my progress, but I will still keep tabs of all the weight lost since I started. Anyway, I don’t have a ton of time a the moment, but the good news is that when I weighed in on Wednesday, I was at 345.2, which is a drop…
5:2 Diet Resumes
Since I feel better than I’ve felt in a month, I decided to go ahead and resume the 5:2 diet plan. Dropping off like I did, I was pretty sure I’d put on some weight. In fact, I put on more weight than I thought I would, returning to 350.6. For those keeping score, that’s a gain of 5.2 pounds…
Skyrim DLCs I Would Have Liked to Have Seen
With the recent announcement by Bethesda that Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is now officially over (save for whatever small fixes that need doing), my wishes for at least two more DLC additions to the game are over. So, I thought I’d write about the two DLCs I would have liked to have seen. Going Back to See the Dwelmer Longtime…
5:2 Diet – On Hold Due to Illness
For the last several days (Since Saturday), I’ve been pretty sick, not quite as sick as I was in March, but bad enough. It was almost like a relapse of what I had back then since the symptoms were very similar. I didn’t have quite the fever I had then though. As a result, I decided to put the 5:2…