2019 Weight Loss For 20191220

2019 Weight Loss For 20191220

2019 Weight Loss For 20191220

Between my job and playing the bloody Fate/Grand Order Christmas 2019 event (which you can see here and here), I’m running way behind on this update. Nevertheless, I did my normal weigh-in on Friday, where I was at 306.4 pounds. That’s a 0.2 pound increase.


Because I only had a 0.2 weight gain, that’s rather insignificant. Still, when I look at why I may not have lost any weight, I’m not really sure as to the reason. As my doctor reminded me last Thursday, sometimes one can have a period where there is no weight loss. He encouraged me not to get discouraged, and praised me for all of the weight I’ve lost this year. After all, I beat my goal of 52 pounds on the year.

Nevertheless, I do note that last week, I felt much hungrier than normal. Even as I write, I feel rather hungry. That usually indicates that I’m not quite in the groove with the diet. Under normal conditions, I don’t feel hungry. But of late, I’ve felt really hungry before going to bed, and then really hungry when I get up. Indeed, as I write this on the night of the 23rd, this morning at 9am, I couldn’t stand it any more and made a lunch. (It was a couple of large hamburger patties and some turnip greens.) I did have a snack tonight, but since I have to work until ~4am this morning, I think I need to go ahead and eat something tonight to make it through. 😅

Carb Splurge Friday

Needless to say, I couldn’t wait to get my hand on some carbs come Friday. Since I haven’t had a pumpkin pie in over a year, and because I’m not doing anything carb-wise for Christmas, I decided to buy a small one along with some Cool Whip. I cut it into quarters and froze.  As such, it will last three different meals. (Well, unless I eat two in the upcoming weeks. 😅)

Pumpkin Pie - Cool Whip

The other holiday food I really craved were those brown-and-serve rolls. Man, I love those things with a TON of butter. 🤤🤤🤤  As such, I have a package in the freezer and defrosted a few to go along with my spaghetti. Sadly, while I had looked forward to eating spaghetti for nearly the entire week, it was rather disappointing. Why? because the hamburger meat I pulled from the freezer wasn’t that great. It wasn’t spoiled or anything, but it may have been starting to get freezer burnt.

spaghetti - rolls

With the sauce and seasoning, it was tolerable. However, I did add some spicy sausage as well to further improve things. And of course, the buttered rolls were outstanding. 😋😋😋

As I said, I’m not doing anything for Christmas on Wednesday. I’ll have some sort of low-carb meal. Maybe I’ll have some naked-fried chicken breasts. Or maybe some cubed steak and a vegetable.

Friday and Beyond

For Friday’s carb meal, I had thought about doing making something at home. But in my Fate/Grand Order stream last night, we got to talking about tempura. So I’m going to do some chicken, shrimp, and vegetable tempura (Lord willing, of course). And I’ll break out another slice of pumpkin pie with Cool Whip.

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