Ugh. I Be Sick.

As I drove from Longmont to Colorado Springs yesterday, I started coughing. Correction. I started having coughing spells and big ones at that. I had that feeling that I was about to get sick, which continued through church, through eating a nice meal with my parents at Cracker Barrel, and then continued as we watched NASCAR on TV. The feeling…

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Personal Stuff

Making Progress

Whew! In a couple of weeks, my medical bills will finally drop below $10,000. Thank you, Lord! Man, I really am thankful to God that 1) I’m OK (well, as best as our current medical science can tell ^_~ ) and 2) that God has given me a job that helps me to make progress on these medical bills. Also,…

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Personal Stuff


It is hard to believe that nearly a year ago, I had my severe bloody nose which landed me in the hospital and found me with nearly $10,000 in medical debt. Well, this continues that tale since I now have decent insurance and could get surgery done on my nose. Back then, it was determined that I had a deviated…

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