As I drove from Longmont to Colorado Springs yesterday, I started coughing. Correction. I started having coughing spells and big ones at that. I had that feeling that I was about to get sick, which continued through church, through eating a nice meal with my parents at Cracker Barrel, and then continued as we watched NASCAR on TV. The feeling was aided by the coughing spells I’d go through.
When I got home last night, I was running a slight fever (don’t know exactly how much, but I could tell) and I went to bed sometime after 10pm. I awoke sometime after 01:00 and man was it time to cough that nasty crude from my windpipe, blow my nose, and sneeze a ton, not to mention put up with my sore throat.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t get back to sleep and ended up staying up until sometime after 07:00. I knew early on that I wouldn’t feel up to the exercise class I’m in, so I called to let them know I wouldn’t be coming in. I ate a little something, drank some Gatorade, and watched some of the first series of Chef! (a funny British comedy).
As I mentioned, I crashed again sometime after 07:00, only to wake up around 09:30 with more coughing, sneezing, and nose blowing.
Still, I’m not complaining, just trying to figure out if I’m going to try to sleep in the Lay-Z-Boy, or attempted another bed sleep.
I just hope I didn’t get anyone at church or my parents sick. *_*