2019 Weight Loss Hey gang! Man, it is hard to believe that the last time I wrote anything about weight loss was nearly five years ago. This is due to the fact that I pretty much gave up in 2014. There were some feeble attempts to lose weight again. However, the only real weight loss progress I made was in…
Tag: life
Rambling Blog Migrated to WordPress
Well, I managed to move my small, “Rambling” blog from Blogger to WordPress. There are still a lot of things I need to learn about WordPress, but on the whole, this is going to be MUCH better than Blogger was. The next migration will be for my anime/manga blog, which will prove a bit trickier as I’ll be attempting to…
What You See in the Light
Its amazing how a beam of light can reveal unexpected things. Well, I say unexpected but after three years, it doesn’t surprise me any more. From time to time, I do try to look for these cobwebs but they usually are invisible to me until cases like those below where a light source reveals them. The sun light only came…
Attack of the Spiders
Of all of the multi-legged creatures (insects and the like) God has created, I’ve noticed that only one seems to show up the most within the home — the spider. I suppose that’s understandable considering the hunter-trapper nature of spiders. So they creep around either looking for a new place to lay a snare for prey or they scout around…
Somebody’s Knocking At the Door
You know what the great thing about being inside my place of residence? I don’t have to answer the phone and I don’t have to answer the door. Truly, it is a great thing. I mention this because a little while ago, I was sitting in my office goofing off on some anime-related message boards when to my amazement I…