When I got up this morning, the snow was lightly falling and they were saying 1-3″ of accumulations before the day ended. I went to my exercise class and the light, dry snow was falling, but at less than 1/4″ an hour rate. I was hoping for 3-inches for sure. When I got home roughly an hour and a half…
Author: AstroNerdBoy
Making Progress
Whew! In a couple of weeks, my medical bills will finally drop below $10,000. Thank you, Lord! Man, I really am thankful to God that 1) I’m OK (well, as best as our current medical science can tell ^_~ ) and 2) that God has given me a job that helps me to make progress on these medical bills. Also,…
Somebody’s Knocking At the Door
You know what the great thing about being inside my place of residence? I don’t have to answer the phone and I don’t have to answer the door. Truly, it is a great thing. I mention this because a little while ago, I was sitting in my office goofing off on some anime-related message boards when to my amazement I…
Snow Event #7 (Part 2)
Well it came in fast, and left just as fast. Looks like we got 2.5-inches of snow at my place before it quit and the sun came out, starting the melting again (upper-20’s will do that). So the streets were mostly good, save the roads that are in my complex. I was hoping for 8-inches, but we can’t always get…
Snow Event #7
Heh! Heh! Heh! Well its Saturday morning and we have about an inch of new snow on the ground. Even with getting snow every week and having snow on the ground (in shaded places, still 2-3 feet deep), snow melts when the sun comes out and the temperature is above 25 degrees (it’ll melt in the upper-20’s even if only…