For those who missed it, here’s chapter 1. Hadvar and my journey to Riverwood was mostly uneventful. He grew up in these parts and showed me some different things, such as the stones that provide blessings to those in need. I chose the stone for a mage, deciding that I wanted to be the most destructive thing this world had…
Author: AstroNerdBoy
My Skyrim Adventures: Chapter 01
Note: Although I am still angry with Bethesda for ramming Steam into the game, thus forcing me to open a hole in my security to play the game so that Steam can spy on my usage and put ads up from time to time, even though I paid good money for this game, I decided I’d write some stuff just…
Heavy D — A Part of My High School Years Has Died
Man, word is hitting all over the place that old school rapper, Heavy D, has passed away at the age of 44. I guess we’ll get a word on the cause of death later. I was introduced to Heavy D in my later teen years with his song, “Mr. Big Stuff,” which he made in 1986. Here’s the official video…
How Come Greedy Politicians Aren’t Called Out?
You know, in all this talk about “greed,” in the normal list of evil, greedy people (including corporations, who qualify as “people” on the greed scale but aren’t “people” when it comes to giving their money away), have you noticed that greedy politicians are never included? As I sit here, making my low wage (which still pays the bills thanks…
To Occupy Wall Street: You ARE the 1%!
When these spoiled brats decided to “occupy Wall Street” in protest of evil corporations and evil banks who are keeping down the poor “99%” of the United State’s population while making sure that the greedy “1%” have all of the wealth, I had to laugh. Why? Because these kids just don’t get it. For them, the system MUST be changed…