Sometimes on Twitter, one sees interesting things, such as this tweet from RexHuppke. My favorite part of the Bible is where Jesus gives money to the rich, tells the poor to suck it up and asks for Caesar’s birth certificate. I had to reply to this by saying, My favorite part of the Bible is where Jesus said pay more…
Tag: religion
Somebody’s Knocking At the Door
You know what the great thing about being inside my place of residence? I don’t have to answer the phone and I don’t have to answer the door. Truly, it is a great thing. I mention this because a little while ago, I was sitting in my office goofing off on some anime-related message boards when to my amazement I…
My Adoptive Grandparents
Back in the late 70’s, my family were members of a GARB (General Association of Regular Baptists) Baptist Church in Tallahassee, FL. I don’t know much about that organization beyond the fact that they tend to be Arminian in belief structure (at least the ones I’m familiar with are). Our pastor, Donald Shawback, became convinced that the Doctrines of Sovereign…
It is Christmas time. Christmas is an official U.S. Federal holidy. Most folks get Christmas off. Most folks celebrate Christmas even if they aren’t Christian. So why is Christmas such a bad word these days? Most people would be stunned if I told them that Christmas really isn’t a Christian holiday. Let’s face it, Christmas is not something the Bible…